
Gary Bailey blog posts

It is January!

It is now five months since this website transitioned from a dream to a reality.  My promise to maintain a "current" blog quickly lost credibility as I allowed many, too many, issues, real and imaginary, to intervene.  My apology.

It is time to fully acknowledge some of those that have always been there to encourage, mentor, critique, and/or otherwise support me through my journey as a photographer.   I will start with my wife, Gayle Scholl.  Always encouraging, always supportive, always generous in sharing, she, through her own journey as an artist, provided the motivation to overcome inertia.   Second, I would acknowledge Rob Prout.  Rob is a consummate teacher and friend.  His skills as a photographer and an artist,  provide a constant incentive to "do better."  Third, I would choose to recognize Dave Marx (David Marx Photography) for his patience and skills in trying to keep me somewhat technologically current.  And, in the process, sharing generously his time in maintaining a treasured friendship.   While there are many others that deserve acknowledgement, I would choose to close this blog with recognition of Jackie Prout.  Jackie, the former owner of Oak Hollow Galley, has always been extremely supportive of local artists and chose to accept the risks of inviting me to participate in many shows.  Thank you Jackie!